John Deere Operations Center Gets Upgrades

Cindy Zimmerman

The John Deere Operations Center is getting an upgrade. A new software release for the cloud-based platform will offer more user-friendly tools and features, allowing growers to collect and access their farm information and collaborate with their advisors more easily than ever.

nafb-16-deere-flandersAt the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk last week, Jake Flanders with John Deere Intelligent Solutions was on hand to talk about the upgrades, including a new batch of mobile apps.

Flanders says they have gotten very positive feedback on the new MyOperation and My Analyzer Apps. “Some of our customers who were early adopters during the harvest season, just for one season, said they couldn’t imagine farming without them,” he said.

Other new Operations Center features include: Maintenance Manger and My Maintenance App, Application and Harvest Seed Maps and HarvestLab Constituent Maps – both in the Field Analyzer Maps, a new competitive display compatibility and a More Tools page. “We actually set up our system to be open to connect with other software providers out there,” said Flanders.

Learn more in this interview: Interview with Jake Flanders, John Deere

View and download photos from the event here: NAFB Convention Photo Album

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Audio, John Deere, NAFB