2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmers Edge Makes Data Handling Easier

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb-farmersedge-jon-labineJon Labine of Farmers Edge is in the business of making big data a small job for growers.

Farmers Edge takes farmers from start to finish, tackling soil sampling, zone sampling, data analytics, yield applications and yield mapping. From all that data the company then provides growers with a profit map, proving their own worth.

“[Precision] takes the guess work out of farming.” Labine told me at the recent National Association of Farm Broadcasting conference. “If you can be very specific with what you’re trying to do in the zone management you can be much more productive in minimizing your inputs and maximizing your outputs. As we know today, with lower commodity pricing, we need to maximize our yield production and we need to maximize our ROI.”

Farmers Edge’s next big project will be the release of yet another precision tool. The N Manger uses satellite imagery to provide color coded maps of the field throughout the year. This information is then translated to help growers understand the nitrogen use during the season.

Learn more in this interview: Interview with Jon Labine, Farmers Edge

View and download photos from the event here: NAFB Convention Photo Album

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Audio, NAFB, Precision Agriculture