2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmer2Farmer From Farmers Business Network

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 530After a successful 2015 Farmers Business Network has continued to grow in 2016. Earlier this year the company held its first Farmer2Farmer conference and a second one is planned for December. I visited with co-founder Charles Baron at the NAFB convention last week and learned that Farmers Business Network is now offering an interesting new service.

Farmers Business NetworkThis year the company has launched their online procurement service that lets them negotiate input prices directly with manufacturers and set a national benchmark where they can guaranty that price to any farm in states where they do business. They are also able to provide financial assistance to farmers needing it on their purchases.

This December 12-14 Farmers Business Network will be holding Farmer2Farmer: American Entrepreneurs featuring some excellent speakers. Here are some of them along with an invitation:

You’re invited to join legendary entrepreneurs Steve Case, Founder of America Online (AOL) and Willie Robertson, Star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and CEO of Duck Commander, at Farmer2Farmer for a fascinating discussion of how to bring the best entrepreneurial tactics to the farm. Plus, valuable leadership lessons from iconic Nebraska football coach and 3x NCAA Champion, Dr. Tom Osborne.

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Learn more about Farmer2Farmer in this week’s program here: ZimmCast with Charles Baron, Farmers Business Network

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