2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Techies – Have You Got the 7 Yet?

Jamie Johansen

zp-nh1Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How should U.S. normalize relations with Cuba?”

The U.S. Ag Coalition for Cuba represents about 120 national groups each working collectively on individual interests with the common goal of improving trade relations with Cuba. Cubans seek to normalize relations with the U.S. which would include the U.S. lifting the embargo, extending credit to Cuba ensuring future trade deals and opening borders allowing U.S. citizens to travel as tourists to Cuba. A strong majority agree both trade and tourism with Cuba are win, wins for our country.

Here are the poll results:

  • End trade embargo – 12%
  • Allow U.S. tourism in Cuba – 6%
  • Both – 76%
  • Neither – 6%

Our new ZimmPoll is live and asks the question, Will you be getting the new iPhone 7?

The new models of the iPhone are out, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Chuck already has his 7 Plus and will be writing a review of it soon. We’d like to know if you have plans to own the newest thing from Apple. It has some exciting new features and some controversial ones like no ear bud connector. If you haven’t made up your mind then Google probably made the choice a little more difficult this week when they announced their phone, Pixel. But you can only get it on Verizon. So, please let us know your plans.
