RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Dairy Legacy Behind Miss Madison

Jamie Johansen

wde-16-108-editedWe have already introduced you to Miss Madison, a gift from World Dairy Expo (WDE) to the Alliant Energy Center in celebration of the event’s 50th Anniversary. Now let’s dive deeper into how she represents the past 50 year legacy of the global dairy community and the people behind it.

The 6,900-pound cow, carved from Dakota Mahogany stone, was commissioned by Quarra Stone Compnay of Madison. The masterpiece began as a 47,000-pound block of stone and is a compilation of the seven breeds exhibited.

wde-16-39-editedLaurie Breuch, WDE’s Dairy Cattle Show Coordinator, has been a part of Miss Madison’s creation since her beginning and has put her heart and sole into her design. The staff came up with an idea to leave a lasting legacy, much like the Globe, which was created to honor the first anniversary of WDE.

“She represents all the hard work of our dairy cattle exhibitors, as well as the entire industry, for years to come. It provides an opportunity in the future to look back at where we were 50 years ago,” said Laurie.

Listen to my complete interview with Laurie here: Interview with Laurie Breuch, World Dairy Expo

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 World Dairy Expo Photo Album

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Coverage of World Dairy Expo is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo