2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agworld Offers Farm Management Program

Kelly Marshall

agworldAll the precision tech in the world isn’t going to do much good unless a grower can get them to work together.  That’s were Agworld comes in.  The global provider of farm management software and applications has introduced Collaborative Farming Solution (CFS), a cloud-based platform that allows growers and retailers to work together.

Most farm systems were developed for specific function, explains Agworld’s President, Zach Sheely.  They do field mapping or manage logistics, but they don’t necessarily play well with others.

“Agworld’s farm management program is a unique solution that integrates precision ag data, production planning, purchasing, input prescriptions, logistics, projections, budgeting and invoices in a seamless manner that allows growers and their ag retailers to work together,” explained Sheely. “We call this ‘work as one’ concept our Collaborative Farming Solution, or CFS.”

Kody Karloff is a fifth generation corn and soybean farmer from Nebraska.  He’s also a prime example of how CFS can work on an operation.  He uses the tools to connect his farm with his ag retailer and shares important information in real time.

“We needed to get a better understanding of our cost per acre,” said Karloff. “To achieve this goal, it’s easier if my retailer and I are working on the same platform.”

Karloff uses Frontier Coop for most of his inputs and it was the Coop that suggested CFS.  Collaboration is the best way to manage a tight economy, marketing manager for Frontier Coop, Jon Brabec believes.

“Using Agworld’s CFS, we are able to streamline the data input, create a comprehensive farm plan and help Kody make more informed decisions,” said Brabec. “Information takes the emotion out of decision making. Now we can run different scenarios, create a comprehensive plan months in advance and still make changes in real time if we have to,” he added.

Karloff feels he has replaced bargain shopping inputs with better service and better solutions by working with his cooperative.  The coop is better able to make the right recommendation and offer simplicity in reporting.

Right now you’ll find Karloff planning for next year on his iPad, taking into account this year’s inputs, yields and income.  Commodity prices might be out of our control, but Karloff is at least confident he has the information needed to make critical decisions.

“No one knows what tomorrow may bring,” says Karloff. “But it feels better knowing that we are working together with one plan, one system, one goal in mind.”

Agribusiness, Cooperatives, data