2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

CNH Reman’s Commitment to Different & Better Parts

Jamie Johansen

cnh-reman-101-editedCNH Reman in Springfield, MO is one of only two CNH Industrial remanufacturing facilities globally. That means parts from around the world come to Southwest Missouri to be taken apart and built back better. The task of making sure all those components are met and operations run smoothly goes to Dave Reader, operations manager for CNH Reman.

Dave said they remanufacture about 3,000 different parts numbers including engines, fuel, transmissions, hydraulics, electronics and turbos. Basically everything that makes since they remanufacture.

“Within Reman, everything comes back down to the component level. We disassemble everything and it’s cleaned thoroughly. Cleaning technologies vary for the products. Then it is measured back to the original criteria and accepted or rejected based on that information, repaired where possible, reassembled and finally tested back to OEM specifications.”

A focus on quality was highlighted throughout my tour of the facilities. And quality starts with well trained employees. Dave said they are looking for two things when hiring skilled laborers and those are work ethic and aptitude. “When they come in we have foundational training which includes key aspects of the business. Then they build upon that within each individual product line. Everything is done through work instructions. Often they start in the disassembly area allowing them to become familiar with the products in a general sense.”

In my complete interview with Dave you can learn how each part is looked at from an investment standpoint to determine the amount of money put into the right parts of each product and a bit about how he sees the future of remanufacturing. Interview with Dave Reader, CNH Reman

View and download photos from the event here: CNH Reman Photo Album

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