RFA Ethanol Podcast

#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 8 – ForwardFarming Initiative

Chuck Zimmerman

Bernd OlligsLet’s turn to the Bayer ForwardFarming Initiative in this episode of my tour during the IFAJ Congress in Germany. We got our look at the concept on Damianshof Farm near Neuss. Our host was farm manager Bernd Olligs. His family has managed the farm for six generations and he inherited ownership from his mother. On Bernd’s farm they grow sugar beets, potatoes, winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and winter barley.

This farm has worked in cooperation with Bayer and the ForwardFarming Initiative for over forty years. Bernd hosts visitors like our IFAJ group to demonstrate the performance and the correct efficient application of Bayer crop protection products. He’s all about combining productivity with biodiversity. Some of the ways that is accomplished include flowering strips by his fields, skylark plots, beetle banks, shrub gardens and nesting boxes for bees, owls and songbirds.

In future episodes we’ll get a closer look not only of Bernd’s farm but other ways Bayer is achieving progress in their ForwardFarming Initiative. I’m going to let the farmer tell you more below.

You can listen to the presentation here or watch below: Bernd Olligs Presentation

2016 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Bayer
Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Farming, IFAJ, Video, Wheat