RFA Ethanol Podcast

Trump Names Ag Advisory Committee

Cindy Zimmerman

trumppence16Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has announced an impressive list of more than 65 agricultural supporters to make up his new Agricultural Advisory Committee. The list includes Congressional agriculture committee leadership, state agriculture secretaries, governors and former governors of key agriculture states, and industry leaders of all stripes.

According to the Trump campaign, “the committee will provide pioneering new ideas to strengthen our nation’s agricultural industry as well as provide support to our rural communities. Mr. Trump understands the critical role our nation’s agricultural community plays in feeding not only our country, but the world, and how important these Americans are to powering our nation’s economy.”

Quoting the candidate, “The members of my agricultural advisory committee represent the best that America can offer to help serve agricultural communities,” said Trump. “Many of these officials have been elected by their communities to solve the issues that impact our rural areas every day. I’m very proud to stand with these men and women, and look forward to serving those who serve all Americans from the White House.”

Among the well-known names on the lengthy list: Former Agriculture Secretary John Block, Senate Ag Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS), House Ag Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX), current governors Terry Branstad of Iowa Pete Ricketts of Nebraska and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Former National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president Steve Foglesong and Steve Wellman, former president of the American Soybean Association.
