2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AgGateway Advances Solutions for Data Management

Joanna Schroeder

Progress on the AgGateway consortium was delivered to attendees of InfoAg this week in St. Louis, Missouri. The non-profit was founded to address eConnectivity needs in agriculture as the industry develops and adopts more powerful tools to increase efficiency and productivity. One way this is being achieved is through data exchange. This year AgGateway announced new standards, models and other resources that will improve the ability of growers to easily manage their data and the organization’s progress in these areas was featured during the show.

AgGatewayTo learn more, Chuck Zimmerman spoke with John Deere’s Chip Donahue. John Deere is one of the founding companies, along with more than a dozen more, of AgGateway. Donahue said they are getting ready to launch version one of ADAPT, the open-source Agricultural Data Application Programming Toolkit. He said that the program was first made available to the public in February and it’s a data model with the ability to convert from one format, such as a John Deere format into a Case format into an ISO format.

The program simplifies the ability to exchange data between systems whether its from a machine into a software system or between software systems,” explained Donahue.

Donahue highlighted some of the resources that AgGateway provides including:

  • ADAPT is being adopted by Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) developers and terminal manufacturers;
  • AgGateway Core Documents for Field Operations been made available through the ADAPT data model and continue to be enhanced;
  • Documentation from the Standardized Precision Ag Data Exchange (SPADE) Project for interoperability; and
  • New irrigation standards from the Precision Ag Irrigation Language (PAIL) Project for better irrigation management.

The organization is also working in other areas including crop scouting, crop nutrition, telematics and commodity grain movement.

AgGateway is currently in the process of testing plug-ins and then licensing those to the organization’s software partners. Donahue said that the technology is open-source so it’s available globally for anyone to use and they are promoting ADAPT to the software industry.

Learn more about ADAPT and the work of AgGateway in Chuck’s interview with Donahue here: Interview with Chip Donahue, John Deere

2016 ICPA/InfoAg Photo Album

Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John Deere Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by CropTrak
Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture, Technology