2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#IFAJ2016 Bayer Tour – Part 4 – Bayer Bee Care

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Christian MausIn this part 4 of my series from Bayer CropScience tour stops during the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress in Germany this presentation at the Bee Care Center is done by Dr. Christian Maus, Global Pollinator Safety Manager.

Dr. Maus expands upon some of the topics brought up in episode 3 by Coralie van Breukelen-Groeneveld, Head of the Bayer Bee Care Center. He starts out with Feed A Bee. Next up is the Healthy Hives 2020 initiative which looks to find solutions to improve the health of honey bees. Then he turns to Sustainable Agriculture which is how Bayer looks at the research, development and stewardship of bringing a crop protection product to market while keeping pollinators in mind.

You can listen to the presentation here or watch below: Dr. Christian Maus Presentation

2016 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Bayer
Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Bees, IFAJ, Sustainability, Video