2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

3rive 3D Leading Growers to Success

Lizzy Schultz

ams-16-8 FMC Agricultural Solutions recently introduced 3rive 3D insecticide technology, and the product is already leading growers across the country to increases in planting speed, in-furrow protection, and early-season success.

Bob Hooten, Midwest Technical Support Manager for FMC, was on hand during the 2016 Ag Media Summit to highlight the product’s exciting technology and the variety of benefits it is offering growers.

“We’ve been testing this product since 2014, with 32 research units out with all the universities and 35 commercial units out, and the growers are really liking it so far,” he said in an interview during Ag Media Summit. “Corn rootworm is starting to break through the Bt technology, and applying product in furrow is becoming necessary to control these pests, and this is so much easier than the granular applicators that have been used in the past.”

The technology’s unique formulation is extremely low volume and covers up to 480 acres without refilling, saving growers significant water, fuel, labor, and time. A mixture of 120 gallons of water and 30 gallons of product will treat 480 acres, allowing 15 gallons of coverage while only using 40 ounces of total carrier.

“This is really great for the larger grower who is covering a lot of land in one day, since spring weather conditions can leave a pretty narrow planting window, and they’ve got to make the most out of that,” said Hooten. “This is allowing them to do that. This technology is the greatest I’ve seen in 27 years.”

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Bob here:
Interview with Bob Hooten, FMC

2016 AMS Photo Album

Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by
Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC   Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Corn, Crop Protection, FMC, Insecticides