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LPC Elects New Leadership

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 11.11.52 AMLivestock Publications Council (LPC) members gathered for the 2016 Ag Media Summit and one item of business was electing new leadership. Congratulations to new LCP president, Scarlett Hagins, and her new team.

2016-2017 LPC Officers:
President – Scarlett Hagins, Kansas Stockman
1st Vice President – Cindy Cunningham, National Pork Board
2nd Vice President – Carey Brown, Cow Country
Secretary-Treasurer – Jennifer Carrico, High Plains Journal
Immediate Past President – Angie Denton, Kansas State University

LPC Board of Directors
Ben Richey, United State Animal Health Association
Greg Henderson, Beef Today/Cattle
Jennifer Shike, University of Illinois
Katie Maupin, Seedstock EDGE
Kent Jaecke, Focus Marketing Group
Leanne Peters, Cattle Business in Mississippi
Miranda Reiman, Certified Angus Beef, LLC
Molly Schoen, Charolais Journal
Steve Taylor, Appaloosa Journal
Jennifer Scharpe, Limousin World
Eric Tietze, Ozarks Farm & Neighbor

ams16-104Scarlett has worn many hats throughout her leadership in LPC. She let me pick her brain while at AMS to learn a bit more about the role LPC plays in agriculture communications throughout the country and how she plans to help implement the Council’s three-year strategic plan.

“My year will be spent putting legs under our strategic plan to start accomplishing some of the other goals, like implementing new programs to benefit our members and ways to make their jobs easier with educational programs.”

One of those programs is called Coffee & Collaboration. It is an online type of webinar through Skype for business where members can reach out to each other and never leave their office. We all have busy schedules and this is just one example of how LPC is meeting the needs of its members right where they are.

“We also provide regional workshops throughout the year. Our website is also a great resource where you can find award applications and the code of ethics to use along with your publication if you get questions from customers. We want to be any kind of resource that helps our members do their job better.”

Listen to my complete interview with Scarlett here: Scarlett Hagins, LPC President

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 AMS Photo Album

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Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC   Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Livestock, LPC, Media, Publication