2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nature’s Broom at #Biobased16

Lizzy Schultz

usb-bio-16-eifling Nature’s Broom was one of the participants in the 2016 United Soybean Board (USB) Biobased Stakeholders Dialogue, held last week at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The company manufactures a recycled biobased oil absorbent that is able to bioremediate into non-toxic compounds. Boyd Eifling, President of Nature’s Broom, was on hand during the event to discuss the innovation behind his company’s products and his vision for the future of biobased products.

Nature’s Broom is in a league of its own within the realm of oil absorbents. It is extremely fast-acting compared to many of the clay based oil absorbents on the market, but its biggest benefit relates to safety and public health. Since the absorbent is biobased, and made from soy, it stands apart from its competition by containing no silica dust. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently advised that exposure to silica particles may be harmful to lungs, and advises against its use in tasks that require dry sweeping.

Eifling is a proud supporter of the movement toward biobased products, and highlighted the impact events like the Stakeholder’s Dialogue have on the industry.

“The biggest thing I’ve taken from this event is the continued awareness building about biobased products in this country. I think consumers are driving it, corporations are paying more attention to it and the government has mandates it has to meet,” he said in an interview during the event. “This is a growing industry, and its something that’s very exciting. It’s creating jobs and creating opportunities, and that’s something this country needs.”

Listen to Cindy’s full interview with Boyd here:
Interview with Boyd Eifling, Nature's Broom

2016 Biobased Stakeholder’s Dialogue Photo Album

Audio, Environment, Soybean, Sustainability, USB