RFA Ethanol Podcast

What Does #Brexit Mean for Ag?

Jamie Johansen

New Holland ZimmPollOur latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Did/do you have a summer job on a farm?”

Growing up on a beef cow/calf operation in Southwest Missouri meant my summers were spent in the hay field or showing my Herefords at local, state and national livestock shows. I was thrilled to see such a diverse response to this week’s poll. No matter the type of farm work, it teaches young people what hard work and dedication is all about. Even though my farm work experiences were year round and sometimes I wasn’t a big fan, I wouldn’t trade lessons learned on the farm for the world.

Here are the poll results:

  • Yes, feeding cattle – 17%
  • Yes, hauling hay – 20%
  • Yes, on a dairy – 6%
  • Yes, building fence – 15%
  • Yes, in row crops – 20%
  • No – 20%
  • Other – 2%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, What does Brexit mean for ag?

The United Kingdom has voted themselves out of the European Union. Markets around the globe are down and it seems time will only tell the complete global impact. What does this mean for agriculture. With the value of the Euro in question, will this reduce agricultural trade and impact the agricultural economy?
