RFA Ethanol Podcast

Reconnecting with Zimmie at #ASTAannual

Kelly Marshall

asta-16-zimmieYou may remember seeing stripes when ZimmComm attended the National Agri-Marketing Association earlier this year – stripes that looked a lot like a giant stuffed zebra. Zimmie the Zebra made many appearances on Twitter during the event until, at last, Casey Zeller and Samantha Bock with AgReliant Genetics were declared the winner and took Zimmie on to her new home.

Unfortunately, we here at ZimmComm didn’t anticipate just how much we would miss our fuzzy friend. During our team retreat last month a new ‘Zimmie’ was procured and ‘Mini-Z’ has since become our mascot.

So imagine our surprise to run into Zeller again here at the American Seed Trade Association annual meeting! We got a chance to catch up on Zimmie’s new life as part of the Zeller family and we’re happy to hear that he gets plenty of exercise each day being ridden and loved on by their two-year old daughter.

We also discovered Zimmie’s new owner has been serving as the chair for ASTA’s FuSE subcommittee (Future Seed Executives).  This group provides an opportunity for professionals who have been in the seed business for less than 7 years to receive training and support.  Here at the annual meeting they have been connecting with industry leaders and reaching out to possible new candidates.

If you too would like to hear an update on Zimmie you can listen to my interview with Zeller here: Update on Zimmie with Casey Zeller, AgReliant Genetics

2016 ASTA-OSA Annual Meeting photo album

Ag Groups, ASTA, ZimmComm Announcement