RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF’s Varisto Herbicide Receives Registration

Kelly Marshall

BASF-logoThe EPA has given the go-ahead to BASF‘s Varisto herbicide.  The product may be used on clover grown for seed, dry beans, dry peas, English peas, lima beans (succulent), snap beans and soybeans.  The herbicide offers a wide spectrum of broadleaf and grass weed control.

Varisto herbicide offers multiple sites of action for excellent weed control and resistance management in a convenient pre-mix formulation with low crop response,” said Christa Ellers-Kirk, Technical Market Manager, BASF. “The introduction of Varisto herbicide to the market gives growers best-in-class weed control.”

A 2013 University of Idaho research trial showed that Varisto herbicide was 98 percent effective in controlling hairy nightshade, 96 percent effective in controlling redroot pigweed, 90 percent effective in controlling common lamb’s quarters and 84 percent effective in controlling green foxtail. Results were measured 29 days after treatment.

In that same research trial, a post-emergence application of Varisto herbicide preceded by a pre-emergence application of Outlook® herbicide was 99 percent effective in controlling hairy nightshade and redroot pigweed, and 98 percent effective in controlling green foxtail and common lamb’s quarters.

Varisto is recommended as part of a comprehensive weed management program that also includes Prowl herbicide or Outlook herbicide applied at pre-emergence, with Varisto applied at post-ermergence.

You can learn more about the product at  www.varistoherbicide.com.


Agribusiness, BASF, EPA, Herbicide, weed management