2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Culvers To Fund Trips to FFA Convention

Lizzy Schultz

inside-culvers-thank-you-farmers Culver’s has recently announced that they will be hosting the Second Annual FFA Essay Contest to give FFA members across the United States the opportunity to win money toward a trip for their chapter to the 2016 National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, October 19-22. The four-day event gives more than 60,000 students the chance to grow their chapters, their friendships and their own potential through professional development and educational opportunities.

The FFA Essay Contest is part of Culver’s Thank You Farmers Program, which recognizes how vital agriculture is to Culver’s success by providing financial support to young people who want to make a career in agriculture. The contest invites current FFA members to submit an essay for the chance to be one of the chapters that Culver’s helps send to the convention. The top three essay writers will receive prizes of $7,500, $2,500 and $2,500, respectively, to help fund their chapters’ trips.

“Not only is this contest a way to show our support for FFA, but it’s also a great opportunity for Culver’s to hear firsthand from members about so many important agricultural topics,” shared David Stidham, vice president of marketing at Culver’s.

Essays should consist of 1,000 words or less, and contestants are asked to write about their perspective on ways that modern technology is impacting the agricultural industry and the ag careers they are most interested in. The essay contest ends June 3, 2016, at 5 p.m. CDT, and the winners of the contest will be notified in late June. Essays can be submitted online here

Learn more about Culver’s efforts to support the next generation of America’s farmers by visiting here

Ag Groups, Education, FFA, Technology