2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USDA Reports Big Growth in Organic Certification

Kelly Marshall

usda-organic-sealCertified organic operations continue to increase significantly, according to the latest numbers from the USDA.  Growth is seeing a double-digit trend, with 21,781 certified operations in the U.S. and 31,160 world-wide.

“Organic food is one of the fasting growing segments of American agriculture,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “As consumer demand for organic products continues to grow, the USDA organic seal has become a leading global standard. The increasing number of organic operations shows that USDA’s strong support for the vibrant organic sector is helping to create jobs and opportunities in rural communities.”

According to data released by the Agricultural Marketing Service’s (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP), the number of domestic certified organic operations increased by almost 12 percent between 2014 and 2015, representing the highest growth rate since 2008 and an increase of nearly 300 percent since the count began in 2002. The total retail market for organic products is now valued at more than $39 billion in the United States and over $75 billion worldwide.

Local foods are also seeing a dramatic growth, up from $5 billion in 2008 to $12 billion in 2014.

The USDA offers programs to support growers who wished to be certified as organic, and marketing and price information is available on their website.  They also spent $11.5 million to help with certification costs last year.

Agribusiness, Food, Organic, USDA