2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Maglis from @BASFAgProducts Helps Farmers Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

As farmers are getting in planting mode, BASF Crop Protection is helping them plan ahead with Maglis, the new online agricultural platform launched at Commodity Classic, which is designed to help farmers manage crops more effectively and efficiently.

basf-maglis-neilThe initial launch of Maglis IT platform is focused in North America, where the Maglis Customer Navigator allows BASF innovation specialists to work with farmers to analyze and develop specific plans to address individual crop priorities, such as yield optimization, risk reduction and efficiency improvements.

“Every day I strive to better connect with farmers to understand the issues that matter most to them,” said Neil Doherty, Innovation Specialist, BASF. “With Maglis Customer Navigator, I can have stronger, more impactful conversations with farmers, and together we can form a specific crop recommendation to help that farmer achieve maximum success.”

Doherty explains more about Maglis in this interview: Interview with Neil Doherty, BASF on Maglis

bast-maglis-farmerDoherty works with Ben Moore of Stateline Precision Farms in northeast Indiana on the Ohio state line, who talked about his experience with Maglis. “Maglis is a really good communications tool,” said Moore, noting that it helps him connect with all the members of his team – from applicators and agronomists to field scouts and retailers – allowing him to make changes in his crop plan and share that with everyone almost instantaneously. “We haven’t had this tool available from anybody else.”

Listen to my interview with Moore here: Interview with Ben Moore, Indiana farmer

BASF Science Behind Living Acres Photo Album
2016 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Technology