2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Two Essay Contest Winners Awarded on Ag Day

Lizzy Schultz

agday-16-daugherty Another agricultural award recipient present in Washington, D.C. on National Ag Day was Emily Dougherty, one winner of the Annual Ag Day Essay Contest.

The Annual Ag Day Essay Contest encourages students in 9th-12th grade to submit a written or video essay. This year’s contest theme was “Agriculture: Stewards of a Healthy Planet.” The winner of the video essay content was Ayodeji Ogunlana, South Texas High School for Health Professions, Mission, TX, and the winner of the written essay contest was Emily Dougherty, Whiteland Community High School, Greenwood, IN. More than 500 written essays were submitted by agriculture students across the country, and Emily was on hand during National Ag Day to read her essay, where she was also presented with a $1000 check.

“The same soil has continually been plowed and planted by my family for over 160 years. Every time I smell the sweet aroma of fresh tilled soil, I quickly think of the history behind the humble soil. My Great-Great-Great Grandpa cleared the forested land and hand dug a ditch so that he could have fertile farm ground. This land has provided for every generation since 1853. Now, my brothers and I have the honor to become the next generation of our family to farm the land. Generations before us have been phenomenal stewards of the land and now it is our turn to embrace technology to leave the land better than we received it,” reads one excerpt of the essay, entitled Stewardship for Generations.

Listen to the full winning written essay here:
2016 Ag Day Written Essay Contest Winner, Emily Dougherty

Watch the full winning video essay here:

View and Download Photos here: National Ag Day Activities Photo Album

Ag Day, Ag Groups, Audio, FFA, University