As part of the National Ag Day festivities in Washington DC Tuesday, Farm Credit announced the top honorees of the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives program, a nationwide search to identify and honor 100 leaders who are changing rural communities and agriculture for the better.

LtoR: Jennifer Sirangelo, National 4H Council; with Farm Credit honorees Chris Fesko, Trevor Hoff, and Allison Boyd
“It was truly inspiring to learn more about individuals and organizations dedicated to making a meaningful difference every day,” said Jennifer Sirangelo, President and CEO, National 4-H Council, Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives selection panelist, and moderator of the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honoree panel. “After reviewing the nominations of so many exceptional leaders, I am proud to say the future of rural communities and agriculture is remarkably bright.”
See the complete list of Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honorees