2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmers Saving Money with Propane

Joanna Schroeder

Farmers are saving money with propane according to research conducted by the Propane Research and Education Council (PERC) on its Propane Farm Incentive Program. To learn more about the program and how farmers can get involved and save money, Chuck Zimmerman spoke with PERC’s Director of Agriculture Business Development Cinch Munson during Commodity Classic 2016 in New Orleans.

classic16-percThe results for 2015 are in, said Munson, and they follow the trends for the past five years. “Folks who switched to a propane irrigation engine from a diesel engine saw their energy costs go down 58 percent in 2015. So by making that switch they’re ending up with a lot of money in their pocket. Grain dryers a similar story. By upgrading their equipment from an old generation propane grain dryer to a new propane grain dryer people saved 42 percent on energy.”

Technology is changing; technology is getting better and equipment is so much more efficient, said Munson. He noted that when you combine that with the fact that propane supplies are up and propane prices are down, people who make the switch are seeing more money in their pockets.

To learn more about the Propane Farm Incentive Program, listen to Chuck’s interview with Cinch Munson: Interview with Cinch Munson, PERC

2016 Commodity Classic Photo Album

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Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, PERC, Propane