2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Highlights Ethos XB at #NFMS16

Cindy Zimmerman

nfms16-fmc-ethosAll farmers want to protect and nurture every seed from the moment they place it in the ground, and that is exactly what FMC’s Ethos XB is designed to do.

With planting season just around the corner, FMC portfolio manager Rick Ekins was telling growers at the National Farm Machinery Show last week about this insecticide/fungicide in-furrow solution that offers broad spectrum control against soil pests and diseases throughout the critical growth stage when most yield potential for corn is set.

nfms16-fmc-ekins2“If we can provide an environment for that seedling to really grow and thrive and survive the pest pressures in the ground … that’s the concept behind Ethos XB,” said Ekins.

Ethos XB combines the proven Liquid Fertilizer Ready (LFR®) formulation with a biofungicide component that forms a protective biofilm over roots and root hairs to defends against pathogens. “It’s a broad spectrum protection product for Pythium and Rhizoctonia – diseases that are of utmost importance to growers early in the season,” Ekins added.

Learn more in this interview” Interview with Rick Ekins, FMC on Ethos XB

2016 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMC and Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by New Holland
Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, NFMS