2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Preview of CIRB Annual Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

CIRB Annual MeetingLeaders in the crop insurance business are gathered in California for the annual meeting of the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau. To get a preview before the activities started I spoke with Michael Torrey, Michael Torrey Associates. His company represents and manages CIRB.

Before looking ahead Michael talks about the challenging last year for the industry when critics were trying to create changes in the crop insurance program. He expects that effort to continue this year. So on the program will be presentations about the political climate in this election year, the climate itself and economic challenges facing the world ag market.

Michael says we’ll have an opportunity to meet members of the CIRB Emerging Leaders Program. This program was introduced last year and the first graduates will be with us. This is CIRB’s effort to bring younger people into the industry which like farming itself is being led by an aging demographic.

You can listen to my interview with Michael here: Interview with Michael Torrey, CIRB

You can find photos from the CIRB annual meeting here: 2016 CIRB Annual Meeting Photos

Ag Groups, Audio, CIRB