RFA Ethanol Podcast

U.S. Wheat Associates Directors Elected

Kelly Marshall

USW boardThe U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Board of Directors will be under new leadership for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  The board elected officers at their recent meeting in Washington D.C.  New officers will begin their duties at the board meeting in July in Fargo, North Dakota.

New members include; Chris Kolstad as Secretary-Treasurer, Jason Scott moving from Vice Chair to Chair, and Mike Miller, current Secretary-Treasurer becoming Vice Chairman.  The full board is picture to the right.

“Wheat has paid the bills on my family’s farm for 100 years and I want to thank the board for giving me the opportunity to give something back to this country’s wheat industry,” newly elected member Chris Kolstad said. “I look forward to working with USW’s directors and staff, as well as with the National Association of Wheat Growers, to make sure U.S. wheat remains the world’s top choice for quality and value.”

Kolstad is the fourth generation of his family to farm in Montana’s “Golden Triangle” region. He and his wife Vicki have four children, including their son Cary who is a partner in their operation. They grow hard red winter (HRW) wheat, dark northern spring wheat and durum, plus barley and dry peas.

Jason Scott is a sixth generation wheat farmer from Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where he manages his family’s soft red winter (SRW) wheat, row crop and vegetable operation. He also owns and operates a Pioneer Hi-Bred® seed dealership with his father.

Mike Miller is a fourth generation farmer who operates a dryland wheat farm and grows multiple crops on a separate, irrigated farm in east central Washington. He has served on many local, state and national boards, and is in his third term on the Washington Grain Commission and his fifth year as a USW director representing Washington.  

The USW is active in 100 counties managed by 18 state wheat commissions and the USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service cost-share programs.

Ag Groups, Wheat