RFA Ethanol Podcast

Record-Setting Attendance at IPPE

Lizzy Schultz

IPPE 2016 The 2016 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) saw an estimated 30,000 poultry, meat and feed industry leader attendees from all over the world. The show also hosted a record-setting 1,301 exhibitors in more than 464,750 net square feet of exhibit space. IPPE is the world’s largest annual poultry, meat and feed industry event of its kind, and is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, the American Feed Industry Association and North American Meat Institute.

“This year’s tremendous exhibitor and attendance numbers are a tribute to IPPE’s unparalleled education sessions, abundant networking opportunities and distinctive exhibits. The enthusiasm and energy displayed by this year’s attendees and exhibitors will only ensure the success and growth of future IPPEs,” the three organizations said.

The wide variety of educational programs complemented the exhibits by keeping industry management apprised on the latest issues and events. This year’s educational line-up featured 25 programs, ranging from a conference on challenges and opportunities in meat product traceability, to a program on the Veterinary Feed Directive, to a technical seminar on maximizing the efficiency of the poultry industry conducted entirely in Spanish.

Other featured events that helped make the 2016 IPPE the leading annual protein and feed event in the world included an International Poultry Scientific Forum, Pet Food Conference, Pork 101 Workshop, Tech XChange program, Meat Me in @LANTA activities, and several other publisher-sponsored programs.

Photos from IPPE: 2016 IPPE Photo Album

Coverage of the International Production and Processing Expo is sponsored by
Coverage of the International Production and Processing Expo is sponsored by NOVUS
Ag Groups, Events, IPPE, Poultry