2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

SHP Demo Farmers Utilizing AgSolver Technology

Taylor Truckey

dave-muthAgSolver had demo farmers and partner companies excited at the Soil Health Summit last week as they plan on rolling out access to their Profit Zone Manager to the demo farmers this year. Dave Muth, co-founder of AgSolver, spoke with AgWired about what they do and how that will impact the SHP.

“The Soil Health Partnership is certainly working on practices to help improve soil health and working lands. Part of that equation is making sure that we’re leveraging our land resources correctly.”

AgSolver, a young precision ag startup from Ames, IA, is building a concept called precision business planning. AgSolver works to leverage available data (both private and public) to create a precision business plan that will accompany their agronomic plans. Largely, they believe in shifting the conversation to returns rather than revenue. Muth explained how AgSolver’s business management platform would be integrated into the Partnership project.

“One of the key things: when we understand the scale that business performance varies between our fields, there are actually a lot of synergies between economic performance and environmental performance. There is a common perception that environmental performance issues and that economic performance goals are competitive. Once we get down and understand how business varies within our fields, they are actually very synergistic,” Muth said.

As part of the incentives, each demo farmer involved in the Soil Health Partnership can run their farm business through the Profit Zone Manager, AgSolver’s precision business planning process. This also helps collect and organize some precision data and economic analysis within the research trials down to each strip.

To learn about AgSolver and for more from Muth’s interview: Interview with Dave Muth, AgSolver

2016 Soil Health Summit Photo Album

Agribusiness, Markets, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, Sustainability