2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Trade Rep Gives #TPP Details at #AFBF16

Cindy Zimmerman

afbf16-vetterThe chief agricultural negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative gave a detailed explanation of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) at the American Farm Bureau Federation annual convention on Sunday.

“The TPP is an agreement that unites 12 countries in the Asia-Pacific in a comprehensive trade agreement, with 40 percent of global gross domestic production on the table,” Vetter said. “It is one of the largest, and the highest standard, trade deals in history.”

Vetter explained the benefits the trade agreement offers for U.S. agriculture and encouraged Farm Bureau members to help get Congress to pass TPP. “It’s important that Congress understand what is in it for you,” she said. “So we have to work together to build the case for TPP.” She urged farmers and ranchers to familiarize themselves with the facts about the agreement available on the USTR website in easy to understand infographic formats that show benefits by state and commodity.

According to Vetter, the TPP offers a great opportunity for the United States to show other countries how global trade can be done on a level playing field. “We are exporting our way of doing business,” she said.

Listen to Vetter’s complete remarks here: USTR ag trade negotiator Darci Vetter

Listen to Vetter’s press conference here: Vetter AFBF press conference

2016 AFBF Convention photos

AFBF, Audio, Trade