RFA Ethanol Podcast

#AFBF16 Honors Two Former Senators

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Farm Bureau Federation presented Distinguished Service Awards to former Senators Mike Johanns of Nebraska and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia during the 97th AFBF Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show on Sunday.

afbf16-johannsFor more than three decades, Johanns served America’s farmers and ranchers tirelessly as Nebraska governor, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, and U.S. senator. Johanns’ unfailing dedication to the interests of farmers and ranchers has protected and enhanced the cause of agriculture across the country.

Accepting the awards, Johanns talked about working with AFBF president Bob Stallman numerous times during his public career on many issues. “In this years that I’ve known him, I never walked out of a meeting and asked myself ‘I wonder where Bob really stands on that issue,” he said.

Listen to Johanns’ comments here: Mike Johanns accepts AFBF distinguished service award

afbf16-chamblissSaxby Chambliss served the state of Georgia in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate for 20 years. As chairman and ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, he was a key author on four farm bills, crafting market-oriented programs and securing a valid safety net for farmers and ranchers through updated commodity titles and federal crop insurance.

Chambliss thanked Farm Bureau members on both the state and national level for helping him advocate for agriculture in Congress. “Each and every one of you represent the best there is about agriculture,” he said. “You are one of the very few things I miss about not being (in Congress).”

Listen to Chambliss’ comments here: Saxby Chambliss accepts AFBF distinguished service award

2016 AFBF Convention photos

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio