RFA Ethanol Podcast

United Soybean Board – New Strategic Plan

Chuck Zimmerman

United Soybean BoardThe United Soybean Board is holding it’s board meeting in St. Louis, MO and held a press conference call this morning. You can listen in below if you’d like.

Kicking off the call was Jared Hagert, new Chairman of USB. He was joined by several other officers. They all answered questions posed by ag media representatives.

The USB Strategic Plan for 2017-2021 was a key topic of discussion. It included 9 main goals. You can see those goals here.

Core Value: The board, with honesty and integrity, collectively and individually, is committed to working within the letter and spirit of applicable law and regulation to achieve maximum value for each soybean farmer’s checkoff dollar.

Mission: Effectively invest and leverage soybean checkoff resources to maximize profit opportunities for U.S. soybean farmers.

Vision: U.S. soybeans will be the leader of the global oilseed industry. Strategy: Create and maintain partnerships that differentiate and increase the utilization of U.S. soy in a changing global market. – See more here.

You can listen to the press conference here: United Soybean Board Call

Ag Groups, Audio, Soybean, USB