RFA Ethanol Podcast

Farm Bureau Creates ‘The Buzz’ Over Educational Game

John Davis

TheBuzzA new educational game offered for free by Farm Bureau is creating quite the buzz about pollinators. This news release from the group says “The Buzz,” a new interactive and educational game, recently released by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, educates users on the power of pollinators and reinforces science learning expectations by having learners explore pollinator habitats and correctly label the parts of the bee and butterfly.

The Buzz players will travel to “Pollinatorville” and discover the important role bees and butterflies play in food production through a series of educational and fun challenges. Players sort items to identify which pollinators live, work and eat in various areas.

The Buzz can be played both in the classroom and at home. A supporting lesson plan, “My Butterfly Book,” will help young readers explore the pollination process as they develop their own book. An activity sheet, “Build a Pollinator” is also available.

The game was developed for Kindergarten through second-grade students.

AFBF, Bees, pollinators