2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The FFA Hunger Games

Jamie Johansen

ffa-15-197-editedInspiring young people to take action was the central theme of the National FFA Organization’s Food For All booth at the 88th National FFA Convention. As students entered the FFA Hunger Games they were challenged to a number of optical courses and educated on two program’s they can take part in at home to help fight hunger.

I spoke with Michele Sullivan with the National FFA Organization to help walk me through their message to members. “The FFA Food for All grants is a competitive grant application for FFA chapters to apply for up to $2,500 to develop, implement and evaluate a year-long service learning project that focuses on hunger.”

Michele said the other program they highlighted was the FFA Heroes Challenge. Last year they challenged members to raise 2.5 million meals to impact hunger across the country. Not only did they meet that goal, but they raised a little over 3 million meals. The National FFA Organization has issued another challenge this year and is asking members to raise 3.5 million meals in the 2016 calendar year.

Learn more about what the FFA members are doing across the country to fight hunger in their local communities in my complete interview with Michele. Interview with Michele Sullivan, National FFA Organization

Find photos from the event here: 2015 National FFA Convention Photo Album

Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, FFA, Food