2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nominate a Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives

Jamie Johansen

Farm Credit 100Farm Credit is looking for an individual or group of individuals whose leadership and vision is changing the future of agriculture and rural America for the better. They are searching for 100 leaders who are positively shaping what is next for rural communities and agriculture to award Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives.

Whether the leader is a “farm kid” who speaks to youth in urban areas about the importance of agriculture; a business leader respected for commitment to their community and the thriving future of rural America; an agriculture educator who may have inspired thousands throughout the years; or a farmer or rancher dedicated to progress and innovation on their farm or ranch, we invite you to help us identify these dynamic visionaries. Please consider submitting a nomination today.

Following your nomination, a panel of experts on rural matters, including Farm Credit leaders and representatives from around the agriculture industry, will evaluate and help select the top 100 honorees. We will announce the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honorees in March 2016.

Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honorees will have the opportunity to share their stories and inspire with their vision throughout the Farm Credit centennial year in 2016 and beyond. Additionally, ten distinguished Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives honorees — one from each nomination category — will receive a $10,000 award to help further their contributions to thriving rural communities and agriculture. These ten honorees and a guest also will be invited to Washington, D.C. to participate in a special Farm Credit recognition event in 2016. Nominations will be accepted through December 18, 2015. Please see the Farm Credit 100 Fresh Perspectives official rules for further details. Doesn’t have to be a farm credit borrower to be nominated or win.

Agribusiness, Farm Credit