2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Guardian Sprayer Displays Impress at FPS

Lizzy Schultz


The New Holland team was busy showing off some exciting new products at their Farm Progress Show booth this year, especially after the company’s acquisition of the precision spraying equipment manufacturer Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc last December.

The first thing customers saw as they walked up to the booth was an impressive 135 foot Guardian Boom Sprayer that stretched across the entire booth space.

“There’s a lot of cool features that we’re highlighting on our new Guardian sprayers at the show,” said New Holland Marketing Manager Jason Hardy in an interview at the Farm Progress Show, “These are really impressive because of the ground clearance. That’s the key feature on them. Especially getting into late season corn, their clearance is the talk of the town.”

Another product on display was the new Guardian Injection Toolbar, which allows farmers to apply liquid nitrogen between corn rows and beneath soil roots, minimizing crop burning: “It allows customers to get in and apply liquid nitrogen when the corn needs it most, in between that four and eight leaf stage. It’s a really neat product, we’re getting a lot of interest in it,” said Hardy.

The booth also showed its support for the newly-acquitted Miller brand, displaying a Miller Nitro 5300 Sprayer with added some newly added features and options.

“Miller is part of the New Holland family and we’re really proud of that, we wanted to create awareness of that” said Hardy, “So far it’s been a great relationship. We’re supporting that dealer network and those customers as well, and we’re still going to be building the product in red for those individuals.”

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Jason:
Interview with Jason Hardy, New Holland

2015 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New HollandCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Growmark
Agribusiness, Farm Progress Show, Harvest, New Holland, Uncategorized