RFA Ethanol Podcast

FMC Promotes Stewardship for Resistance Management

Cindy Zimmerman

fmc-overlapOne of the biggest concerns for farmers attending the 2015 Farm Progress Show last week was control of resistant weeds, and FMC is a company that is promoting a stewardship approach to resistance management.

“Proper stewardship is very important with the resistance that we are seeing,” says FMC Senior Technical Sales Manager Brent Neuberger. “So we want to mix things up, use multiple effective modes of action in these weed control programs.”

That means starting early – as soon as harvest is finished. “Those areas that typically have a lot of mare’s tail, fall application has a very good fit,” Neuberger said. “So we put something down, take out a lot of those winter annuals, so come spring we can ‘start clean to stay clean.'”

FMC has a weed management stewardship infographic that growers can consult to learn more.

Listen to my interview with Brent here: Brent Neuberger, FMC, on resistance management

Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New HollandCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Growmark
Audio, Farm Progress Show, FMC, weed management