Matt Davis and his son Adam who farm near Mendota, Illinois are going home from the Farm Progress Show this week with a Meridian Seed Tender, courtesy of GROWMARK and Grainco FS in honor of the 50th anniversary of HiSoy soybeans.
“It’s fantastic, I didn’t actually believe it at first,” said Davis when he was awarded his prize at the show Wednesday. “It will fit in great with the operation I’ve got.”

GROWMARK seed division mgr Mark Thornsbrough, winner Matt Davis and son Adam; John Walsh and Mike Fredrickson of Grainco FS
GROWMARK Seed Division Manager Mark Thornsbrough said they came up with the sweepstakes to celebrate the golden anniversary of HiSoy.
“HiSoy was the first and the oldest continuous brand in the United States and we’re very proud of our brand,” said Thornsbrough. “We launched (the sweepstakes) about a year ago and wanted to finish it up here at the Farm Progress Show.”
Thornsbrough says one thing that makes HiSoy so special is the leadership behind the brand. “We’ve had four product managers and they’ve all continued to make the brand a leading brand in the industry,” he said. “The most important part from a farmer’s standpoint as a cooperative, it is the farmers’ brand – the farmers own this brand and we want to make sure that we give them the best opportunity for high yields and the ability to maximize their income per acre.”
The GROWMARK Seed Division plans to award three seed tenders to three participants in the HiSOY Golden Anniversary Sweepstakes – randomly selecting a winner from each sales region – Northern, Southern, and Western. Davis was the Northern region winner.
Learn more in this interview: GROWMARK HiSoy Sweepstakes Winner