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Better #Cotton Through @BASFAgProducts Science

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-tn-danBASF Priaxor® fungicide was just registered for use on cotton recently and Engenia™ herbicide for dicamba-tolerant cotton is expected to be approved by the end of this year, giving cotton farmers two new tools to use in the field.

Dr. Dan Westberg with BASF Ag Products says they are very excited about the Priaxor registration. “This is a combination of Headline with Xemium fungicide, so that really brings a broader spectrum of disease control, two sites of action to work on those diseases, and also resistance management – as well as longer lasting disease control,” said Westberg at a field day in Tennessee last week.

During that field tour, we had the opportunity to see how Engenia works in conjunction with other herbicides for superior weed control in cotton. “One of the thing we’ve been demonstrating in field tours is the need to use Engenia herbicide, which is a broadleaf herbicide especially for resistant palmer amaranth, with a system of control,” explained Westberg. That means a residual foundation, followed by a timely post, and also layering in post applications.

Learn more in this interview with Dr. Dan and see him talk about some of the trial plots in the video below: Interview with Dr. Dan Westberg, BASF

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BASF Southern Media Event in Tennessee

Audio, BASF, Cotton, Crop Protection, Video