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Florida Congressman Addresses Peanut Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

spgc-15-yohoCongressman Ted Yoho (R-FL) is serving his second term as representative of North Central Florida’s 3rd Congressional district which encompasses 13 counties, including two of the largest peanut growing areas of the state – Lafayette and Suwanee counties. “It’s the best district in Florida,” said Yoho after making remarks to the Southern Peanut Growers Conference. “It’s a large, rural, agricultural area and it couldn’t be more perfectly designed for me being a large animal veterinarian for 30 years.”

In his remarks, Yoho stressed the opportunities for agriculture with new trade agreements being negotiated, now that the president has been granted Trade Promotion Authority. “Anytime you can bolster trade, especially for the ag economy, it makes America stronger,” he said. Yoho serves on both the House Agriculture Committee and the Foreign Affairs committee, which both have an interest in pursuing new trade relationships.

In my interview with Rep. Yoho, he also talks about the Clean Water Rule, GMO labeling, Country of Origin Labeling, USDA oversight, budgeting, and immigration. Interview with Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL)

Watch a video of Rep. Yoho’s remarks to the SPGC below.

2015 Southern Peanut Growers Conference Photo Album

Audio, Peanuts, SPGC, Video