RFA Ethanol Podcast

Update on Engenia by @BASFAgProducts

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-IL-chadWe’ve been hearing about the development of Engenia™ herbicide for dicamba-tolerant crops from BASF Crop Protection for over three years now and the wait for it to come to market may soon be over.

“Our anticipation is that registration will come in the fourth quarter of this year,” said Dr. Chad Brommer, BASF Technical Market Manager for Engenia, during a recent field day at the company’s Midwest Research Farm in Illinois. “We’re not on our time table but on the federal registration time table.” Engenia is a technologically advanced dicamba formulation that provides an additional site of action for control of broadleaf weeds in dicamba-tolerant crops, including soybeans and cotton.

basf-IL-sprayerWhile they are awaiting approval, BASF has been busy educating growers about the herbicide and how it can fit into an effective weed control plan, as well as proper application methods.

“That means wherever you need to spray your product, whether it be Engenia or any other crop protection chemical, that it goes where it needs to go and no where else,” said Brommer. That involves using the correct nozzle, correct boom height, and taking into account weather, wind conditions and buffer zones. The nozzle that will be on the label for use with Engenia is the Turbo TeeJet Induction (TTI).

Listen to my interview with Chad here and watch some of his presentation on video below, including a spraying demonstration – with water, of course – that shows how the TTI nozzle works. Interview with Chad Brommer, BASF

BASF Midwest Research Farm photo album

Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Herbicide, Video