RFA Ethanol Podcast

IFAJ Congress 2016 Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ Congress 2016We still have a 2015 IFAJ Congress coming up but now you can look ahead to 2016. The 2016 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress is being hosted by the Association of German Agricultural Journalists (VDAJ). Here’s an excerpt from the welcome letter by Joachim Rukwied, President of the German Farmers Association (DBV).

It is an honor for the German agricultural sector to host the 2016 Congress of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists. This meeting offers us the perfect opportunity to show our international guests the efficiency and competitiveness of the German agricultural economy. Our farmers will present its model of agriculture with its rural entrepreneurial structure and sustainable, future-oriented economic systems.

With the slogan “Sustainable Agriculture – Made in Germany” agricultural media representatives from across the globe will attend the pre-congress in Berlin, the main congress in Bonn, and visit farms and companies in the various federal states.

You can find the program here.

IFAJ, International, Media