2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hot Dogs/Hamburgers Rule

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland ZimmPollOur latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s on your grill this July 4th?”

Hot dogs and hamburgers came out on top and the other category included ribs and brats. We hope everyone had a safe and tasty Independence Day!

Here are the poll results:

  • Hot dogs – 22%
  • Hamburgers – 22%
  • Steak – 17%
  • Chicken – 17%
  • Other – 17%
  • Fish – 5%
  • Pork chops – 0%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, How are the crops in your area looking?

Lots of areas in the United States are suffering from either too much moisture or not enough this growing season. Whether it’s the drought in California causing farmers to fallow land, too much rain in Texas delaying the planting of cotton, or so many areas in the Midwest getting so much rain that fields are being flooded, Mother Nature is throwing lots of curve balls. How do the crops look in your part of the country? And please feel free to leave some comments.

Food, Meat, ZimmPoll