2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AgriClear Launches New Platform for Cattle Buyers/Sellers

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 478AgriClear, an online platform designed to provide U.S. and Canadian cattle buyers and sellers with an efficient, cost-effective transaction and payment service just opened. Jamie Johansen spoke with Nevil Speer, AgriClear, to learn more about this new platform and is featured in this week’s ZimmCast.

AgriClear offers cattle producers a new way to do business with important benefits for both buyers and sellers, including assured payment for cattle delivered at the terms negotiated. By joining the AgriClear community, marketers will now be able to securely list and execute cattle transactions from their computer.

AgriClearNevil Speer serves as the Vice President of U.S. Operations for AgriClear and I spoke with him to learn more about this new opportunity for cattle producers. “We think there are some key value propositions with AgriClear that differentiate us in the marketplace. Primarily, it is a one-on-one type of transaction and negotiation. What happens in that process is you have access to broader markets. We empower buyers and sellers to be ultimately price makers instead of price takers.”

Nevil stressed that it is not an auction format. No one is under any time pressure when making purchases. He also added that registration is simple and there is no membership fee.

AgriClear operations will benefit from the financial support and clearing expertise of NGX, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TMX Group that offers trading and clearing services for natural gas, crude oil and electricity contracts.

Other benefits include a lower cost structure, an expanded market with a broader network of verified members, and financial certainty for transactions, with NGX acting as administrator of AgriClear’s back-office payment and settlement services.

Listen to Jamie’s conversation with Nevil in this week’s program: AgriClear Platform

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