2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ronan Tynan Wows Alltech REBELation

Chuck Zimmerman

Ronan TynanI can’t say how thankful I am to Alltech for introducing me to Ronan Tynan. Back in 2011 Ronan performed during the Alltech Symposium. This year he did it again during the opening International Dinner at the 2015 Symposium known as REBELation.

I personally would love to hear him sing it anytime or all the time. I get choked up and covered with goose bumps. Fortunately, Dr. Pearse Lyon’s wife, Deirdre had the foresight to request that Ronan sing this song again.

Listen to Ronan Tynan sings Hallelujah: Ronan Tynan Sings

I will have more from tonight’s dinner tomorrow including lots of photos.

Post Update:

2015 Alltech REBELation Photo Album

Alltech, Audio