RFA Ethanol Podcast

A Summary of FarmPolicy.com

Chuck Zimmerman

FarmPolicy.comAfter years of providing us with daily farm policy news, Keith Good has decided to spend more time with his family. Since we have hosted his website all these years I have been receiving lots of questions. So, I thought I’d ask him to send me a note about his decision to stop his daily newsletter and website update. Included below are some comments from hundreds of people that he has received since making his decision.

Keith was one of the first people we worked with when we got ZimmComm started and he was an AgWired contributor for a while early on before his newsletter really ramped up to full time work. We’re going to keep in touch. Cindy and I wish him and his family all the best.

Keith is keeping his website up and running and may or may not add some updates from time to time. But for now, he’s taking a well deserved break!

From Keith:

The only thing I would note is that I wish I had quit about two years ago, and I have absolutely zero regrets about winding the newsletter down- it was great while it lasted and am very grateful that people found it useful, but the regular sleep and quality time with the kiddos has been fantastic. I thought I might miss it, but I don’t.

I am very grateful for the generosity of the reporters and broadcasters in the ag community who always let me use their material- like so many people involved in agriculture, the farm reporters and broadcasters are just great people. FarmPolicy would have never existed if these folks hadn’t been so generous with me citing their hard work.

Thanks too for all of your help over the years, putting together the web page and providing the benchmark and gold standard for what agricultural blogging should look like.

Take care,

From Keith’s audience:

“Keith Good wrapped up his FarmPolicy web coverage this week. For the last 12-plus years he has kept the agricultural community informed about the latest developments in Washington and farm-related trends in the U.S. and abroad.

Through the years, he tracked down thousands of articles and pieces of analysis, summarized them in a keen, precise way and then gave his readers the links needed if they cared to read more.

It looked simple enough, but anyone who’s ever tried to do that kind of reportage will tell you it’s arduous work. Keith did it well and did bushel baskets of it year after year.” – Owen Taylor

“Everyone always says ‘make sure you get the farm policy update’ because everyone knows it’s the best.”

“You’ve been a must-read for thousands.”

“I’ve shared your site with dozens of people over the years, always saying ‘sign up for Farmpolicy.com. It is the very best source for ag news anywhere.’ This is one of the few places where information is gathered and shared without commentary.”

“Your willingness to provide this early-morning update day after day, without fail, has been a wonderful contribution.

Farm Policy