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Famous Idaho Potato Tour on the Road

Chuck Zimmerman

Big Idaho Potato TruckThe Big Idaho Potato on wheels and Tater Team is back on the road. Track it’s progress here. This is its fourth cross-country tour with a new mission to help local charities across the U.S. In a five-month period, the truck will visit 60 cities, travel 22,087 miles and help dozens of charities better serve their communities.

“The Truck has always had a charitable component to it,” explained Frank Muir, President & CEO, Idaho Potato Commission (IPC). “However the 2015 tour is going to be a little more personal. We’ll be working with different charities in each market and helping them in ways that are tailored specifically to them. We already know that the truck brings smiles to people wherever it goes but now it’s also helping people and that feels pretty good.”

The Big Idaho® Potato weighs more than 6 tons (the equivalent of 32,346 medium-sized Idaho® potatoes). After being seen by hundreds of millions of Americans, the most frequently asked question is, “Is it real?” We’ll never tell…but if it is, the Big Idaho® Potato:

Would make 30,325 servings of mashed potatoes… pass the gravy!
Could make more than 1.4 million (1,455,570) French fries!

Listen to some soundbites from Frank Muir, President & CEO, Idaho Potato Commission, about this year’s tour: Frank Muir Remarks

Ag Groups, Potato