RFA Ethanol Podcast

Hoard’s Dairyman’s Acquisition of Hay & Forage Grower

Chuck Zimmerman

hay-forageA company with a long history of innovating in the dairy world is taking over a publication that covers a wide variety of feed for cattle, especially in the dairy realm. Hoard’s Dairyman magazine recently bought Hay & Forage Grower, including the publication’s database. I met with Gary Vorpahl, Vice President at Hoard’s, during the Agri-Marketing Conference to talk about the deal.

“Right after the first of the year, we acquired Hay & Forage Grower,” he said, adding that his company recognizes there are big variations in how the different livestock producers feed based on where they are and what they’re trying to accomplish.

Gary said his company has always tried to do things some believe couldn’t be done. He cited how the company founder, W.D. Hoard, bucked the trend in the late 1800s in Wisconsin and tried to grow alfalfa, thought not hardy enough to make it through the tough local winters. “He proved it could live through a Wisconsin winter, and that’s how alfalfa became the major staple for the dairy industry.”

Gary also admitted they’ve been “standing on the end of the diving board” for some time, and now they’re ready to jump into this venture in Hay & Forage Grower. They expect to have their first hard copy issue available in August and September before World Dairy Expo, but they also hope to have an online version in the coming weeks. Webinars and e-newsletters are also in the works.

Listen to my interview with Gary here: Interview with Gary Vorpahl, VP, Hoard’s Dairyman Magazine

2015 Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

Coverage of the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference is sponsored by New Holland and Brownfield Ag News
Coverage of the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference is sponsored by New Holland     Coverage of the 2015 Agri-Marketing Conference is sponsored by Brownfield Ag News for America
Audio, Dairy, Forage, Hay, Media, NAMA