RFA Ethanol Podcast

‘Big Tractors’ Makes Modern Farming Hero in Kids Book

John Davis

bigtractorsThe latest childrens books makes modern farming the hero. Octane Press has released the second in the series of its “Casey & Friends” books with “Big Tractors,” an educational and entertaining look at how tractors, combines and tillage equipment operate together on the farm, featuring CASE IH equipment in real farming situations.

Holly Dufek, a seasoned educator and national curriculum writer, joins Pixar “Cars” artist Paul Nunn to help kids make the connection with the farm equipment they see in the countryside and the food on their table.

Big Tractors with Casey & Friends shows how the biggest, most powerful tractors handle the demanding jobs of pulling and powering on the farm. Find out how Big Red and Sammy – the biggest tractors on the farm – use their powerful muscles to work in the field with the rest of the team. Learn about the science of farming and discover how advanced technology makes Big Red and Sammy special.

The next installment of the books will feature combines and comes out in June.

Case IH, Tractor