RFA Ethanol Podcast

World Backup Day

Chuck Zimmerman

World Backup DayWhen was the last time you backed up your computer? Your phone? Your tablet? Your memory cards? Hopefully you know the answer to that.

If you haven’t then do it today – World Backup Day. This infographic was sent to me by Cloudwards. Click on it to see the rest of the graphic.

World Backup DayMarch 31st has been declared World Backup Day. With so much of our lives, photos, and videos being stored in digital form, it is important that we begin to make backups of our precious data. Backing up your data is one of those easy-to-do procedures that many people ignore.

People now create and generate over 1.8 zettabytes of data per year.¹ That’s a lot of data that we need to protect! Unfortunately, nearly 30% of people have never even backed up their data.² Backing up your data will protect your life’s work when that hard drive fails. If you are a small business, a data backup can be what saves your company. World Backup Day is here to make sure that people actually start backing up.

Invest in a small portable hard drive. Connect it to your computer and use software like Time Machine for a Mac or SyncBack for a PC. Invest in a cloud storage account like BackBlaze. Have the peace of mind of the best of both worlds!

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