2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag Groups Support Non-GMO Label Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

pompeoAgricultural organizations are voicing support for the bi-partisan Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act introduced in the U.S. House Wednesday by Reps. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and G. K. Butterfield (D-NC).

The bill includes a new provision to allow those who wish to label their products as GMO-free to do so by through an accredited certification process. “Our goal for this legislation remains to provide clarity and transparency in food labeling, support innovation, and keep food affordable,” said Pompeo.

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) supports the creation of a national labeling standard to “give consumers the information they need while avoiding the unnecessary confusion and added cost of a patchwork of state laws,” said AFBF president Bob Stallman. “The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 would clarify the FDA as the nation’s foremost authority on food safety and create a voluntary labeling program run by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, the same agency that administers the USDA Organic Program.”

The Agricultural Retailers Association also endorsed the legislation. “Agricultural retailers are optimistic the broad support of this bipartisan proposal will lead to quick passage of the bill,” said Daren Coppock, ARA President and Chief Executive Officer. “A patchwork of labeling laws would be untenable for farmers and food companies, and result in less clarity for consumers.”

“Introduction of this legislation is a first step towards passage of a federal law to keep the authority to set safe, reasonable and national labeling requirements regarding GMOs with U.S. government agencies that have decades of scientific and regulatory expertise in this area,” added Coalition for Safe Affordable Food spokesperson Claire Parker.

The National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association are also in support of the bill and urge Congress to pass it quickly.